Monday, December 22, 2008

Life with Snow

There has been snow on the ground for over a week now. I think we got another 4 inches last night; it's amazing. The novelty of the snow has worn off and now I am trying to face the fact that life must go on. I don't want to have my life come to a halt because there is a little snow on the ground (well about 8 inches of snow on the ground to be exact).

I didn't want to miss my workout with Heather today due to the weather. So, I cabled up the car and headed to the gym. The roads weren't that bad, but I was glad that I had the cables in our subdivision where the roads aren't maintained and getting into our driveway. I may shovel the driveway this afternoon just for an additional workout since I haven't been able to walk. I miss the fresh air.
The snowy roads

Zeus is hating life. Terry tried to shovel a pee strip for him along the house on Sunday, but with the snow last nigh, most of it got covered. On Saturday, we had snow and then freezing rain so when walking outside, you would crunch through the top level of ice when you first stepped before falling through to hit the powder. It wasn't that hard to walk in, but poor Zeus kept falling through. His pounds per square inch were right between the staying on top of the snow and falling through.

The forecast for this week isn't going to change much. We have a chance of snow everyday with highs in the mid-thirties and lows in the mid-twenties. It looks like we will get a white Christmas!