Today is going to be a busy day... well, actually the next four days are going to be busy days. Today we are preparing for Jake's visit. He is flying up from CA to spend his 21st birthday with Terry and me. It should be fun. Terry will pick him up from the airport this afternoon. Then, we are headed out to a New Year's Eve party. Tomorrow morning we are going on the Hangover Run with our 4-wheel drive club. It should be fun and with the recent weather, we are expecting a lot of snow. I still have so much to do to get ready for these next couple days, so I better run!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Chistmas 2008
We woke up on Christmas morning to more snow. About an inch fell over night. I went in the house and visited with my parents first thing in the morning while Terry called his family to wish them a Merry Christmas. Once Terry was inside, we opened presents. It was fun to try and take time to see what people received. Terry and I surprised the family and had family pictures taken while we were at Eagle Lake over the summer. Everyone seemed to enjoy them.
Christmas Eve
Terry and I headed up to my parents' house in Ferndale on Christmas Eve. We got lucky and even though hit rain and snow on the drive, made it up in record time with NO traffic. It was a Christmas miracle! Once we arrived, we headed into town with my parents to see the frozen Nooksack River. When we got back to their house, my dad tied a tow rope to his quad and took turns pulling us around the yard on the sled. It was a lot of fun and a good arm and ab workout.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas Everybody!
Terry and I are preparing to head north to see my parents for Christmas. We hope to leave this early afternoon and head north. Right now, it's raining here, but snowing elsewhere. I just hope we have a safe drive and that it doesn't take us all night. We will just have to take our time and be patient on the highway since we know there will be lots of stupid people and accidents. I just look forward to being with my family on Christmas. And I am still praying for a white Christmas!
Posted by AmyJo at 7:38 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 22, 2008
Life with Snow
There has been snow on the ground for over a week now. I think we got another 4 inches last night; it's amazing. The novelty of the snow has worn off and now I am trying to face the fact that life must go on. I don't want to have my life come to a halt because there is a little snow on the ground (well about 8 inches of snow on the ground to be exact).
Friday, December 19, 2008
Snow Update
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Snow Day 3
Yesterday's high was 30.4 degress. The low today was 12 degrees and right now it's almost 18 degrees out. I think it is suppose to get above freezing today though. More snow is in the forecast for tonight. I am excited, but poor Terry is having to work major overtime. I am still enjoying it as I have the best view from me office that money could buy.
Posted by AmyJo at 9:48 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 15, 2008
White Christmas ??
When Terry and I got home from the Christmas party on Saturday night, there was a light dusting of snow on the ground. It was exciting waking up on Sunday morning to snow on the ground. Since it stayed cold during the day, when we were driving home after church Sunday afternoon, there was still snow on the trees and ground. We both thought it was really pretty and hoped for more. We got lucky. As soon as we got home, it began to snow. We got about 2 inches and since right now, it is only 12 degrees out and we are suppose to get a high of 25 degrees today, it appears the snow will be around for a while.
Posted by AmyJo at 7:54 AM 0 comments
Labels: winter
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Tamer Christmas Party
Last night, Terry and I went to the Timber Tamer's Christmas party. It was a lot of fun. We dropped the Jeep off at Tom's before the party to have the new front locker installed. During that party, we sung wheeling Christmas carols and had a gift exchange. Santa even showed up and brought presents for the younger kids. Terry and I both had a good time at the party. It was fun driving home as it snowed the whole way.