Thursday, May 21, 2009

Summer is Here!

Okay, I know just because it is almost 70* today and not suppose to rain doesn't mean that summer is here to stay, but it is hard to not get excited. This time of year is always fun and busy. I looked at my calendar today and Terry and I have plans just about every weekend until August. At least there will be a lot to blog about.

This weekend we are heading out with our 4-wheel drive club, the Timber Tamers, to Taneum. Our Jeep is in the shop, but we know there are a couple open seats so are going to hang out with our friends. It should be fun and I like going to new places to check them out. I hope that the weather there is nice, even though from what I have been told, there may still be snow on the ground. I am an optimist and packed some tank tops and shorts hoping for a tan. I really hope to get some time to relax this weekend and will stop by the library tomorrow to get some reading materials.

I wish I didn't have to work tomorrow, but I do. Work has been driving me a little crazy lately and I won't be surprised if I am out of a job soon. However, until then, I am working hard and doing what I am told. As long as I keep getting a paycheck, I am trying to not let the politics of sales bother me. Hopefully someday, I will find a job I love.... it would just help if I had a clue as to what that would be. Alright, well I better get back to work and finish packing, at least I don't have too much more to do (on both accounts).