Last weekend, I joined about a dozen other women at a conference camp outside of Lake Stevens for a scrapbook weekend. I was invited by a couple ladies from our 4-wheel drive club and had a nice time. Due to some stuff I had to get done on campus, I didn't get up there until late Friday night and immediately went to work on some pages. We were up until about 1:00 on Friday before heading to the cabins for bed.
The cabins definitely reminded me of 6th grade science camp where we were all in bunks in a big room. I didn't sleep too well, but that wasn't too much of a surprise. On Saturday, we got up and started scraping again. The grounds provided food for us and the meals weren't too bad. They also had a giant swing that we were able to go on. It was about 60 feet up and I went to the very top before I released. It was fun, but the final hanging around the bottom made me a little nauseous. We worked on the scrapbooks all day and I actually got a lot accomplished. I ended up leaving Saturday night to come home since I wanted to go to church on Sunday morning and was looking forward to sleeping in my own bed. Overall, I had a nice weekend and hope to do something like that again sometime.
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