On Saturday, Terry and I volunteered to help work our 4-wheel drive club, the Timber Tamers, work the obstacle course at the 2009 CORE Challenge III. The event consisted of a couple different courses (mud, rocks, etc) the competitors had to run thru and try for best time. Our club volunteered to man the big obstacle course. We had 12 club members out for the day. Terry and I ended up perched on a hill in the middle of the course and were in charge of timing the competitors since we could see both the starting line and the finish line from our vantage point.
We ran rigs until 5:00 when everyone was able to get thru the course at least once and a couple rigs even got in their second pass for the day. By that time, I could feel that I got a lot of sun on my legs (in particular, the back of my knees and upper calve). Terry and I packed the Jeep up and left the event around 6:00. After being there for twelve hours, we were ready to get a cold beverage and some good food. We had a great time out there and really hope to be able to volunteer again.
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