Terry and I decided to join our 4-wheel drive club, the Timber Tamers, at Moses Lake for the annual dune clean-up again this year. On Friday, Terry took a half day from work so he could finish packing the camper for the weekend and getting the Jeep loaded on the trailer. We were able to leave our house at 3:15 and headed east. We hit a little traffic in Puyallup and from there, had an uneventful drive over the mountain. We stopped at Indian Jones rest stop outside of Cle Elum and met up with Ann Typer from the Tamers. The view from the rest stop was amazing. We arrived in Moses Lake around 7:00 and decided to fill up on gas and stop for food before heading into the dunes where our camping area was located. As we ate dinner in Burger King, we saw Tom and Karl drive by with their Jeeps.
We got to camp around 7:45 and started getting our camp area set up. It was nice not having to worry about making dinner. Most of the other Tamers had already arrived by the time we got there; they included: Mike, Claire, Tom, Penny, Karl, Ruth, Dan, Julie (and kids) and Ron. After unloading some gear, and grabbing a sweatshirt, we made a fire and chatted with the other club members until it was bed time. (Sometime during the night, Darren showed up and set-up his tent).
Terry and I were able to sleep in until about 7:00 on Saturday morning. The clean-up started at 9:00, so that gave us sometime to make breakfast and relax. Terry even hooked up the generator to the coffee pot and made freshly brewed coffee for him and others. For breakfast, I made breakfast burritos, which were very yummy.
At 9:00, we headed over to the dumpsters to sign-in for the clean-up. We grabbed some trash bags and headed out. I ended up walking most of the way with Zeus picking up garbage while Terry drove alongside. Towards the end of the day, we found a huge pile of buried garbage. Luckily, we had the rack on the back of the Cherokee and were able to stack up the trash to bring it back to the dumpsters. We also enjoyed watching Ann drag Darren in his Samurai across the dunes. He had broken his transfer case, so she was literally dragging him (his back wheels weren’t turning on the sand).
After a couple hours of picking up trash and 3 full bags of garbage, we headed back to camp. Zeus was exhausted and napped while I made lunch for myself and Terry. I had pre-made tuna for sandwiches, so it was quick and easy to put together. The sun was out for most of the day, however, it would occasionally get cloudy and drop a few rain drops. I was never sure if I wanted to be wearing my jacket, or a tank top.
The rest of the afternoon was spent at camp hanging out with the Tamers and watching people. Dan-O had brought a little quad for his girls to enjoy (still not sure how he fit it in the minivan) and all the guys took turns riding it around camp as well. Some of the club candidates showed up (Greg and Wyatt) with quads and a dirt bike. Karl took one of the quads out and came back a few minutes later after rolling it. Luckily, there wasn’t much damage. Some people took a drive into town for ice cream, but we opted to stay back at camp and shower instead.
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